CommonMind Consortium Knowledge Portal


Created By Mette Peters Mette

assay: rnaSeq, snpArray
diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Affective Disorder
consortium: CMC
Please indicate the Synapse ID of any file you reference in your question on the forum
Have a question about the data access application?
See here for how to be notified about data releases
cis-eQTL summary for all SNP-gene pairs
syn4622659: Alzheimer's disease eQTL data?
Databases with RNA Sequences from Brain and Blood Samples
Schizophrenia data
How long do you have to apply for CMC data?
Data release 6.0
Request of new token
eQTL catalogue sample overlap
request new token
Accessing the data from industry
SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: insufficient_scope. Request lacks scope(s) required by this service: download
Expanding project description
Individual ids belonging to CTL and SCZ
syn18103849 RNA-seq log2 counts per million for CMC & CMC_HBCC studies
whole genome sequencing?
Re-issue expired Token
Cannot download data
Mitochondrial Variants
Raw CMC fastq files
New token request
Synapse token (renewal?) request
Some missing SampleIDs in file "CMC_Human_rnaSeq_metadata.csv"
Parkinson's disease data
Ask for the Synapse Token
Ask for a new token.
CommonMind Access Renewal and Access Denied
Samples that have both gene expression data and SNP data
SNP genotype level
Troubleshooting - generating schizophrenia PRS in CMC samples
PRS (Polygenic Risk Score)
Conversion between Ensembl gene ID to gene symbol
Request reissue expired synapse token
Reissue expired token
PTSD data
CMC eQTL analysis for 467 Caucasian-inferred individuals
non-significant eQTL is not available
Questions on eQTL results
Quantitated Expression analysis
2.11.2020 update to release 1
2.11.2020 update to release 3
Reissue of expired token
Request for new token
Missing ATACseq bam file
CMC Human v3 - QCd genotyped data
Request for RNA-seq datasets (syn4923029 and syn18103876)
Synapse data access token
Paper ready to submission with CommonMind Consortium data
ATAC-seq data
Where can I check available data before require access to it?
Data update 10-28-2019
Request for SNP-GENE eQTL Summary Statistics (syn4622659)
Token for CommonMind knowledge portal
Release 3 Raw FASTQ Files
request for new token
CMC eQTL analysis sample
effect allele of an eQTL (syn4622659)
Filename update
Access to some controlled data but not all?
Uncle and nephew dna same schizophrenia gene
Downloading all of the BAM files as a single batch
How to download a subset of files in a folder
Gene information not found
Data Release 3.0
gc contents of genes
Performing additional analyses in current research project
download CMC BamAlignedReadData -- *bam files
Results Explorer shows up as blank
OK to impute with HRC?
The system requsts to apply again although it is already approved.
Request for a new token
Request for new token.
CMC expression data -- how to choose
Imputation problem: imputed gentoype data allele frequencies all 0.33?
Request for new token
Having trouble requesting a token.
Leukocyte Transcriptome
Timeline for access request approval
Access to raw RNAseq data
approximate timeframe of next data release?
Ancestry information (syn4622657)
token was not received (binxbio)
New token request
Which folders do I get raw fastq files from?
Exact P-values for summary statistics
Access to controlled access data for Polish researchers
Methods for CommonMind consortium file

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