COVID-19 DREAM Challenge


Created By Thomas Schaffter tschaffter

projectDescription: The COVID-19 DREAM Challenge enables the research community to test hypotheses on UW EHR data using Sage model-to-data approach.
projectDisplayName: COVID-19 DREAM Challenge
projectImageFileName: covid19%2Dchallenge%2Dbanner%2Dbeta%2E4%5F1400%2Epng
News & Updates, FAQ
Accessibility to data
data download
measurement_time vs. measurement_date in measurement.csv
Release Date for Question 3,4,5
Submitter is not registered for the challenge.
Authors for Scientific Research Consortium
error for training stage
The error logs for 9711800
submission 9711749 failed
submission 9711708 failed
Q1 UW status invalid
range_low and range_high for measurements
No score submission 9711703
Q1 UW status invalid and the model can't generate predictions
Submission Accepted/Invalid
Data availability for Q2
Location Table for Q2
Appearance of chronic diseases in consecutive visits
Submission 'RECEIVED'?
Q2 - Error Logs for 9711210
AUROC, AUPR from training set
Q1 - Error Logs for 9711143
Question 1 Submission Error
KeyError: 'container_config' after submitting Q1 and Q2 examples
Q2 - Workflow Failed
Example Code For Question 1 Not Working
Question about feature.json format
feature reporting: concept table
No Feedback on Success Failure
When I submit, there is no email indicate the submission process start and no results
Q2. usage of training data
Q2 - Error Logs for 9709868
Submission in RECEIVED status for a long time
Data availability for COVID positive test date
Prediction window for hospitalization
Evaluation Code for the Challenge
Model does not produce predictions.csv
Help with Docker submissions
Model does not produce predictions.csv
UW Status Invalid
UW Status Invalid
Submission invalid
Q2 Accepted changes to Rejected
I want to submit my project but I have reached a limit as a team, none of the other members are able to submit.
Vocabulary tables upate
I have submitted a model today, it says received, when will the evaluation progress?
What kind of values/range do we get for confidence percentage/score on synthetic dataset? something around 0.101089...
When do we get the results for UW dataset run?
23209035 Invalid submission
Workflow Errors
Another invalid submission
9708520 Invalid Submission
WorkflowException: permanentFail: repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
A few questions about Docker
How do I know the date of the initial test?
Submission invalid
Vocabulary tables and the latest Q1 UW data upgrade
What is the prediction time?
Cannot do submission to this challenge
Q2 9707503 Error Logs
Q2 Invalid Submission - Log
Q2 Accepted changes to Rejected
Submission quota reset time
Visit & Initial Test
Submission invalid for q2
Submission quotas
Submission in Accepted status for a long time
Submission dashboard for question 2
Model works on synthetic data not on UW data
Q2 Invalid Submission
Access denied when trying to push docker
script killed with no error message
Q2 submission failed on UW data
Invalid submission
No feedback after submission
Invalid submission
Submission Invalid on UW Data
Invalid Submission
Invalid Submission
Model rejected even when successful in logs
Not able to run python file from bash ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)
Model is invalidated after being accepted
first ACCEPTED by synthetic dataset then REJECTED by UW dataset, why?
Publication question
Vocabulary conflict in Athena vs Data Format Section
Visit Occurrence Id in Condition Table
Can we increase submission times limit?
time quota
About next questions
Log file is not informative
The train set in synthetic data
Error with UW data?
Submission limit question
New Example Model - Error running locally
Missing files in the new data?
goldstandard file
Access to real data
ABO Blood Type variable
script to run
Getting error 'Your model did not generate a predictions.csv file.' during evaluation UW data progress.
Problems during second try of Docker push
Seeking status of latest submission.
Cannot access the error log when evaluating the UW dataset
covid 19 related questions in pregnancy
Team shared-data space?
Access to text data?
Not able to access the Synpuf data

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