CTD-squared Pancancer Drug Activity DREAM Challenge


Created By Verena Chung vchung

Status: Closed
Webinar recording now available
Compound identities available
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Thank you
submission button not work.
Could you please check that the docker and write-up has been successfully submitted?
Docker/writeup submission
Regarding of submission (team and checking result)
Submission for prediction file and writeup
Which queue to submit docker?
Final Round Closing soon
Docker file tag
Docker push denied
Clarification regarding final submission
Content of docker container - input format
Difference between evaluating SC1 in the leaderboard phase and the final submission phase?
Number of final submissions
Question regarding scoring metrics on the leaderboard phase.
Docker Submission documentation issue
Clarification on the final submission
Question on the SC1 scoring
Submission error
Submission to the leaderboard not in progress
Leaderboard phase coming to an end; final submissions due soon
Challenge incentives update
New training data available
Are metabolic genes considered in your gold standard?
Failed leaderboard submissions
PLATE-Seq gene expression values
Could you extend the deadline of the challenge?
Question regarding scoring method
questions about leaderboard score
Could not submit a prediction
Dose Response file values
Baseline score posted
possible typo
Challenge Webinar Scheduled for December 10 at 8am PST
Looking for collaborators to participate the challenge
Registration is now open!

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