Parkinsons Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge


Created By Solveig Sieberts sieberts

study: Parkinsons Disease Digital Biomarker (PDDB) DREAM Challenge
dataUsed: [MJFF Levodopa Response Study](/Explore/Collections/DetailsPage?study=MJFF%20Levodopa%20Response%20Study) [mPower Mobile Parkinson Disease Study](/Explore/Collections/DetailsPage?study=mPower%20Mobile%20Parkinson%20Disease%20Study)
keywords: neurodegeneration neurology Parkinson's DREAM Challenge
diagnosis: Parkinson's disease control
consortium: mHealth
deviceType: handheld wearable
sensorType: accelerometer gyroscope
isDHProject: TRUE
resourceType: analysis challenge
dhPortalIndex: TRUE
collectionType: Challenge
deviceLocation: wrist pocket
devicePlatform: GENEActiv Pebble OS iOS
reportedOutcome: MDS-UPDRS tremor dyskinesia bradykinesia medication report
studyDescription: The Parkinson’s Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge was a first of its kind challenge, designed to benchmark methods for the processing of sensor data for development of digital signatures reflective of Parkinson's Disease.
dataCollectionMethod: active patient reported outcome clinical assessment
digitalAssessmentDetails: walking (flat) standing alternating hand movements opening a water bottle and pouring arranging paper assembling nuts and bolts folding towels
studyDescriptionLocation: syn22017473
digitalAssessmentCategory: resting tremor action tremor gait
Are there any news about the manuscript?
Error happens on running "downloadTableColumns"
Requesting access to the data
L-DOPA data
L-DOPA data
Lessons from the competion
Subchallenge 2 Results
meta-analysis on the team performances across all sub-challenges
Community Phase
slides available for sub1 method (and same for sub2) from the DREAM conference
Robustness of the score for subchallenge 1
Subchallenge 2 Submissions
Accidentally submit as individual
Submission as team or individual
Conflicting submission
submitting the predictions
validation error even when uploading just the template
has the scoring script been fixed?
Question on submission template for sub-challenge 2
Is Challenge Timeline Updated?
Team not appearing in list
Submission Error
concerns with SC2 scoring
Challenge option is not visible in 'Submit to Challenge' pop-up scroll
Subchallenge 2
Will scoring for all participants (not only winners) be communicated either to participants or made public?
Submissions for L-Dopa Challenge
L-Dopa Data Description
Nuts and Bolts tasked scored for bradykinesia?
Downloading Data
scoring question for L-DOPA challenge
NaN values in L-Dopa data
Updated L-Dopa Sample Submission
L-Dopa data
L-Dopa feature matrix question
New L-Dopa scoring code released
Demographics Features for testing data
Scoring rules for L-dopa challenge
Unexpected Subchallenge 2 Scoring Code Behaviour
Can covariates be used for feature extraction for LDopa challenges?
Submission error: "Not all recordIds are present in column: recordId"
Can't see ?Request Access? button below
Sub challenge 2 evaluation code may be bugged
Validation Error
Empty values
Submitting as a team issue (sorry for late posting)
Need more cooperation from organizers
Validation error message and strong criteria for rejecting submissions
Project Wiki
Submitting Code
Submission validation error
Problem submitting as a team
Verify Submission
Not all members have access to the data
Will the submission accept values like '2.8697984817e-05' ?
How to Submit
How to find all the required recordId list
Continued use of datasets
Submission mpower challenge
Question on submission requirements
Benchmark Info
How do I cancel a submission
healthCode is more reasonable than recordId as sample ID
Scoring code error: cannot allocate vector of size 8.9 Gb
Where is the leaderboard?
healthCode or recordId in mpower submission files?
Submission of files for mPower challenge
how to use the scoring code
Bad JSON file
Request Access of Data
empty json files in the test set
can you please provide each data in one zip file
Processing of L-Dopa data
L-Dopa - sample is a task or a patient
Interpreting rotationRate data during subject turn
Questions about feature matrix in the submission requirements
how is tremor score measured
Problem in 'createdOn' column with downloading demographics table
Should we submit all features or just to best?
Training on Bad Protocol Records
About the rotation matrix.
Pedometer Data Units
Concerns with kernel methods being included in base learners as in webinar slides
synDownloadTableColumns errors when there is a single record for a "task" that is NA
L-Dopa Challenge Data - "You are not authorized to access the page requested"
differences between syn5511449 and syn10146553
Data format JSON vs panel?
Challenge Webinar
Challenge Webinar
Time duration for each task regarding Mpower
some walks take just half the interval
How to understand the relationship between row names of returned data from syn10146553 and syn10146552
Height and Weight
questions for sub-challenge 1
Errors running getRestFeatures.R (sample code)
healthCode without professional-diagnosis
How to interpret the timestamp field in accel_walking_outbound.json.items?
Features used in machine learning algorithms
Question about available data in test sets
L-DOPA challenge data
Subject Turning Data Location
empty files
Velocity and distance traveled by the subjects do not make sense.
Slow download speed
test case will be one walk or several walks per subject?
Could we get the definition for "features"?
Error message while downloading data the second time
Explaining different value for the column medTimePoint
Configure download location
The question about unmet conditions for MDS-UPDRS Survey data
Sample code Info.
Example link not working.
mPower data are now available!

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