Hi Soly, I received an error message: "Not all recordIds are present in column: recordId.", but my feature matrix file passed the "PD_Challenge_SC1_Fit_Models_forTest.R", and all recordIds in table syn10233116 were matched in my file. Can you show me the way to correct this error? Thank you. ``` d = read.csv("mPower_feature9_all.csv",T) synapseLogin() synid<-"syn10233116" syndemos<-synGet(synid) demos<-read.csv(attributes(syndemos)$filePath, header=T, as.is=T) required_recordID = demos$recordId.walktest rid.i = match(required_recordID, d$recordId) sum(is.na(rid.i)) ``` 0

Created by Xinyu Zhang starrcofly
Thank you, Solly. I will try.
A detailed description of the requirements are [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8717496/wiki/466771). This includes a link to [a submission template](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10698138) containing the full list of expected recordIds. Of note is that syn10233116 contains only training data, whereas you are required to submit features for the training, supplemental training and test data.

How to find all the required recordId list page is loading…