Hi, Seems an easy step but it gives me the beginner of R and Synapse a problem. I used the example R code and down the titled table but 'createdOn' column shows numbers like 1425904649000, as below in the fourth column: ``` ROW_ID ROW_VERSION recordId healthCode createdOn appVersion 0 0 bbb003a9-5c7b-4d66-a1d3-bcd1430edbb7 639e8a78-3631-4231-bda1-c911c1b169e5 1.4259E+12 version 1.0, build 7 1 0 05258304-77f7-4761-bc58-52dc743e44cd 52fe366a-2a9f-4260-9fb1-0fbc637a6cf4 1.42593E+12 version 1.0, build 7 2 0 b331ff56-c6d9-430a-bc6c-b6f52d2d8e9f 67bdd316-26fc-4fc7-8431-bf9f41a649dd 1.42593E+12 version 1.0, build 7 ``` I tried to download directly use Google Chrome as browser from Synapse website and got the same problem. I am using MacOs Sierra version 10.12.6. I would appreciate your help? Thank you! Xin

Created by Xin-Gong Li xingong
Did you look at the [data description](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8717496/wiki/448355). In short the device motion files and 'accel_walking_outbound...' files are very similar where the device motion has had some more processing done (by iOS) please see linked description.
Thanks again. Good to know Matlab works here. I used loadjson.m to read the download files Which I think they are only one column in the synapse table 'deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items' ``` attitude: [1×1 struct] timestamp: 1.084089014717500e+05 rotationRate: [1×1 struct] userAcceleration: [1×1 struct] gravity: [1×1 struct] magneticField: [1×1 struct] ``` do you mean I should look at 'accel_walking_outbound...' which is actual data? ``` accel_walking_outbound.json.items-0cdbea15-9b4f-49f3-b027-3f2a9964dd031309369282723338544.tmp deviceMotion_walking_outbound.json.items-ab57595b-64b7-4e16-b771-ffd6f46a11853064560499612506776.tmp pedometer_walking_outbound.json.items-8aeba6c9-ef2d-44bc-889e-1f35e0c36e9d1771948488614719319.tmp accel_walking_return.json.items-c0f34e75-3718-4cbc-b4b0-4549ceaf28dc5855034025378482007.tmp deviceMotion_walking_return.json.items-ca48c232-6050-4fe6-afce-8b6c0ad15afd6341518307722598581.tmp pedometer_walking_return.json.items-11f4af13-53e0-4041-944c-9183041a80601584050674544100810.tmp accel_walking_rest.json.items-33776976-769b-42e1-ae34-0b333e27916c1148827940801849366.tmp deviceMotion_walking_rest.json.items-8b0c7c5b-a4f9-4c8d-809a-5feba936a1ab7651561550257159010.tmp I don't take Parkinson medications ``` I attended the seminar last week and I think I need to hear it one more time or they might explained somewhere. But do you mind to explain a bit more about the differences between the columns (I assume they all have the same structure with attitude, timestamp, rotionRate ...), point to me where to read. Thank you! Xin
Please feel free to use matlab. I suggest adding an additional step to your code. Most of the actual data (accelormeter data) is attached as files to each row. You might want to download those and change the ids in the columns with the local paths of those files. That way you could do the rest of your analysis from matlab by reading the csv.
Thank you Larsson! Good to know the unit of timestamps which I will need next. I struggled for good hour or so and ended to use write.csv to get the date/time which I think may needed ... just to start learning here! I am a Matlab user and not sure matlab is allowed? The codes: ``` # read in the healthCodes of interest from demographics training table demo_syntable <- synTableQuery("SELECT * FROM syn10146552") demo <- demo_syntable@values write.csv(demo,'/Volumes/PD/DREAM2017/demographics_syn10146552.csv') ```
hi @xingong: The createdOn column is a [timestamp](https://www.unixtimestamp.com/) in miliseconds. If you want a date and time you can use `as.POSIXct` in R to convert.

Problem in 'createdOn' column with downloading demographics table page is loading…