Hi All,
I have the error to download syn11707308. Any suggestions?
files <- synapserutils::syncFromSynapse('syn11707308')
Error in value[[3L]](cond) : 400 Client Error:
No mapping for BOOLEAN to a AnnotationV1AndV2TypeMapping
Created by Li Chen chen61 You can update synapser by running the following code in your R console:
install.packages("synapser", repos=c("http://ran.synapse.org", "http://cran.fhcrc.org"))
Let me know if that works! Thanks. Would you mind sharing where the error is mentioned? Maybe I can follow the instructions about how to update the outdated R client version. Thanks! Ok thank you -- I also just saw this error come up elsewhere and it was mentioned that it could be an error with an outdated R client version. I recommend updating to the latest version of the synapser package and seeing if that helps. Thanks. I have green padlock icon, which grant the access but I still have the error. I've asked help to Synapse forum. Hi there, I ran the exact code you provided and did not get any error. My one question is, are you sure you have access to the folder? If so, you should see a green padlock icon under the folder name next to 'Access'.
If you do have access and are still having problems, I would suggest that you ask for help in the main [Synapse platform discussion forum](https://www.synapse.org/#!SynapseForum:default). Our engineers will be better able to help you since this is not an AD Portal specific error.
Thank you for your patience. @abby.vanderlinden Abby, if possible, would you mind sharing your code, so I can try to match mine with yours. Thanks! Thanks for sharing the code you used -- I'm not able to replicate your error yet but I'll look into it further and get back to you. Thanks. I cannot download any of the files from the folder. Here below are the codes I used. Please let me know if there is anything wrong. I used the same code to successfully download other files.
> synLogin('username', password='password')
> entity <- synGet(id,downloadLocation='path')
> all_files = syncFromSynapse(entity=id, path='path') Hi there, were you able to download any of the files from that folder using the syncFromSynapse command? I tested it out and the first few files are succeeding for me -- it's a huge amount of data though so if you were able to download some files before you encountered the error, it would help to know which ones!