Dear AMP-AD team,
I understand that access to the AMD-AD RNA-seq data is controlled and I carefully follow the synapse data use procedures.
Now, I was wondering whether the same rules that protect the primary data also extend to derived downstream results that I generate from it.
Let's say I am re-analyzing the RNA-seq data to obtain a table with gene-level quantitation results from the ROS/MAP RNA-seq data. (This would remove any identifiable genetic variants, as I am only retrieving the number of reads observed per gene in each sample.)
Do the data use procedures allow for sharing these derived results with others within my organization?
For example, can I answer my colleagues' questions such as "is the expression of my two favorite genes correlated across the ROS/MAP dataset?".
As always, thanks for any guidance,
Created by Thomas Sandmann sandmannt Thanks a lot for the quick answer! Hi Thomas, anything linked to the 8-digit ID requires a data use agreement for access. Is this data summarized, without the individual IDs it can be shared
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