Some questions regarding to microglia rnaSeq data:
I'm a bit confused about the sample and file mappings. For example, for the syn11578944 the file name does not contain the sample name.
I have identified the sampleIDs in the metadata (for which there are 10), but these do not correspond to anything I see in the Microglia rnaSeq fastq file names. Any tips for this?
"There are 2 fastq files for each sample for each paired reads. Each member of the paired read has been sequenced on 2 lanes resulting in 4 fastq files per sample."
Does this mean that I can just combine the lane1 and lane2 fastq files for the corresponding pairs?
Created by Tapio Nevalainen newsky Thanks!
T Hi T,
Regarding your second question, yes, you may combine the lane1 and lane2 fastq files for the corresponding pairs.
Thank you,
Victor Baham
Associate Biomedical Data Curator
Sage Bionetworks Hi T,
Thank you for your question. You may map file names to Sample ID by using this file: [MicrogliaHiSeq_ROSMAP_RNAseq_metadata.csv](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11673599)
I will get back to you regarding your second question.
Best regards,
Victor Baham
Associate Biomedical Data Curator
Sage Bionetworks