Hackathon template


Created By Jineta Banerjee jineta.banerjee

event: Hack for Rare 2021
summary: ABC
onSynapse: syn25551557
initiative: Hackathon
studyLeads: jineta.banerjee Y
studyStatus: Active
institutions: X Y
fundingAgency: CTF
tab1wikipointer: syn25551557/wiki/609594
tab2wikipointer: syn25551557/wiki/609595
acknowledgementStatements: If you use data/concepts from this study in a publication or talk, please acknowledge the authors for their work. In addition, please acknowledge the Children's Tumor Foundation and NF Data Portal using the following statement: "The results published here are in whole or in part based on data/concepts made available through the NF Open Science Initiative and CTF Hack for NF 2020."

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