ENCODE Imputation Challenge


Created By Jin wook Lee leepc12

Submitting write ups, models and code
Tentative winners of ENCODE Imputation Challenge!
Final results?
methods write-up?
Brief extension due to technical problems?
Leaderboard for validation set is LIVE!
Submission through three team accounts
Imputation Challenge deadline extension to Sunday Aug 18th 11.59 pm (midnight) US Pacific Time
Blind Test set submission queue in LIVE!
Avocado model and bigwigs released pt.1
Avocado model and bigwigs released pt.2
Anyone want to join forces with NittanyLions for final submission?
Final submission
No change to scoring and ranking procedure in Round 2
IMPORTANT additional rules for Round 2
Round 1 Conference Slides
Scoring Script
Submission by URL links?
Round 1 benchmark results against state-of-the-art imputation method
Round 1 On-Line Conference Agenda and Details
Round 1 Results
On-line conference June 11
On-line Conference Rescheduled
Sorted submission template
Round 1 deadline extended
RSG with DREAM 2019, NY in November
Round 1: How to submit
Round 1: Clarification on requirement
Robustness to artifacts
Validation script
Mock submission results
Training manifest missing one file
Some important dates and deadlines
First round authorship incentive
Cannot install pyBigWig package via pip or conda
Input data format
ENCODE Imputation Challenge Webinar on March 4 2019 at 10 am Pacific time
Convert to wig not bedGraph?
Training data
No RNA-seq data?
Challenge is now LIVE!

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