Deep immunophenotyping reveals circulating activated lymphocytes in individuals at-risk for rheumatoid arthritis
Using data from the AMP RA.SLE Phase II PBMC CITE-seq and AMP-RA.SLE_PhaseII_CyTOF datasets, investigators examined PBMC gene and protein expression patterns and systematically identified activated lymphocyte phenotypes in RA At-Risk individuals, along with immunophenotypic differences between different At-Risk subpopulations Created By Jessica Vera jmvera
assay: scRNASeq CITESeq CyTOF program: AMP RA/SLE project: RA dataType: transcriptomics proteomics cytometry multimodal diagnosis: Control RA At-Risk-RA ARKRelease: 2024.12.R1 dataSubtype: single-cell datasetType: publication programPhase: II biospecimenType: PBMCs publicationSynID: syn64429482 associatedDataset: syn63912719 syn52623570 datasetDescription: syn64425787 acknowledgmentStatement: syn26710600/wiki/619685
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