I am an authorized user of synapse . I tried to download the datasets deposited in Synpase (syn25169976), but I could not see any data in their folder or find the dataset in Synapse.
Created by Eugene Xu boulenu @boulenu The link to the data was not easily seen on the page, so I did some editing. Please go here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25169976 and the 'ROSMAP_IN Study" should send you to the study in the Portal, where you can access the data using the "Study Data" tab.
The data are available through this portal: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/. Would you please say whether you are able to gain access by starting here?
Drop files to upload
could not find the deposited dataset for syn25169976 for download page is loading…