I've noticed the individual IDs for individuals in the CMC_HBCC study are different in the PsychENCODE database than in the publicly available http://resource.psychencode.org/#Derived DER-01 and DER-02 gene expression datasets from Wang et al. 2018.
Is there any way to reconcile this so I can match up the individual IDs they've used with the individuals listed in Synapse?
For example resource.psychencode and Wang et al reported the IDs as BRxxxx, but in the Synapse PsychENCODE database CMC_HBCC_xxxx is used.
Thank you.
Created by josie.gleeson Hi @josie.gleeson - We posted a file, **Phase I Capstone Collection Data Map**, in syn21978133 containing these mappings. Please let us know if you run into additional issues. @kelsey Hello, is there any update for this or anyone I can contact directly who may be able to help me? Thanks. @kelsey thanks for the update, I am guessing you may have to contact the authors of the original studies which could take a while! @josie.gleeson FYI - I'm still looking into this mapping. Thank you! Hi @josie.gleeson, I can help you resolve this mapping. I will work on this and get back to you within the next 2 days. Thanks! This is for the syn8466658 PEC Capstone Collection.
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