I have some problem with the AMP-AD_ROSMAP_WGS data. I cannot link each row (ie each 'mutation) in vcf files to specific samples (for example, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10997292). In that , I have no idea whether the sample is patient or control, from blood or brain genomic DNA. There was a file named rosmap_WGS_id_key.csv. However, none of the WGS_id and projid are contained in the vcf files. In this way, I cannot locate each mutation to specific sample ID. Could you please show me a way to resolve this question? I saw threads about this problem a couple of years ago in the forum. I guess it may have already been solved. Thank you very much for your kindly help!
Best wishes,
Created by Fan Mei meif2021 OK, I have posted in the AMP-AD Knowldge Portal forum. Thanks a lot for your kindly help Would you post your question to the AMP-AD Knowledge Portal forum? https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/default
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