Getting information from Synapse object I am trying to create a object: METADATA_OBJ = synGet("syn2299154") I can see that there are features and values using this command: METADATA_OBJ[1] However when I try to extract these features, I get an error: METADATA_OBJ$versions Error in x[i] : undefined objects selected NOTE: This is what I see when I type "METADATA_OBJ[1]", so I know there should be a result: $versions [1] "/repo/v1/entity/syn2299154/version" Using traceback, I see: traceback() 7: stop("undefined objects selected") 6: x[i] 5: x[i] 4: x[[name]] 3: x[[name]] 2: METADATA_OBJ$versions 1: METADATA_OBJ$versions Why is this happening? Thanks!

Created by Laura Sloofman lauragails!Synapse:syn5637528/discussion/threadId=755&replyId=7473 Thanks for the explanation
This is an R S4 object thing - the `properties` are implemented as [slots]( in the `File` object. They show up in different places, for reasons and things. So, you can do:   ``` METADATA_OBJ@properties$versions ```   You can see them all with:   ``` slotNames(METADATA_OBJ) ```   But, there are also specific `synapseClient` functions for most of these:   ``` synGetProperties(METADATA_OBJ) synGetActivity(METADATA_OBJ) synGetAnnotations(METADATA_OBJ) getFileLocation(METADATA_OBJ) ```

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