the docummentation has a default structure? I am a student of Computer Engineering, I have a scholarship in a research project that uses abstract summarization of documentation. And we have a question regarding the structuring of the documents here. My name is Léo.

Created by Leonardo_filho
The data in Synapse is organized by project/community. You would have to read through and understand the research of each community to see what data is available, how it is formatted, and how to access it. Each Synapse project has a discussion forum (like this one) where you can ask clarifying questions. Here is the link where you can get started:!StandaloneWiki:ResearchCommunities
I talked to my advisor, and we were looking for a lot of data posted by health professionals. It would be of great help to download more documents to train an AI.
For example, the documents have a header pattern and a deafault form to write they?
Please have a look and see if this answers your question:
And the form what they are writed?
> existing documents do not necessarily have to follow a pattern, right? Our documents follow the html format.
existing documents do not necessarily have to follow a pattern, right?
> the docummentation has a default structure? Synapse has a variety of documentation, can you be more specific? > And if they do, is there a possibility to download files faster and in larger quantities? Again, can you be more specific: Faster and larger than *what*?
the docummentation has a default structure? And if they do, is there a possibility to download files faster and in larger quantities?
Please feel free to ask your question.

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