The language-specific syntax highlighting doesn't seem to work for `r`
# Read GMT file to list
# reads either .gmt or gmt.gz
read.gmt = function(file){
if( ! grepl("(\\.gmt$)|(\\.gmt\\.gz$)", file)[1] ){
stop("Pathway information must be a .gmt file")
geneSetDB = readLines(file)
geneSetDB = strsplit(geneSetDB, "\t")
names(geneSetDB) = sapply(geneSetDB, "[", 1)
geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, "[", -1:-2)
geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, function(x) {
x[which(x != "")]
The highlighting is the same if I specify the language as `fakeLanguage`
# Read GMT file to list
# reads either .gmt or gmt.gz
read.gmt = function(file){
if( ! grepl("(\\.gmt$)|(\\.gmt\\.gz$)", file)[1] ){
stop("Pathway information must be a .gmt file")
geneSetDB = readLines(file)
geneSetDB = strsplit(geneSetDB, "\t")
names(geneSetDB) = sapply(geneSetDB, "[", 1)
geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, "[", -1:-2)
geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, function(x) {
x[which(x != "")]
Created by Gabriel Hoffman gabriel.hoffman Bug has been fixed and new formatting will be available on Synapse release 315 (we are on 313 now)!