I wonder if i can publish my study findings using data from Synapse platform in non-open access journals after filling and signing the Oath document?
I am using the mPower data, knowing that i have cited and acknowledge the authors, and respected all the remaining policies in the Oath document, but i have a funding problem and open access Journals fees are high ex: Springer or Elsevier fees for open access varies between (1000 to 2000 Dollars). I am asking that because i have found other papers that uses the same data that were published in non open access journals.
Thank you
Created by ILIAS TOUGUI tilias Hi Mr Omberg,
Thank you for the answer, I understand the efforts and the time devoted by the volunteers who participated in the study, thanks to them we can advance the research. I will do my best to look elsewhere and look for other journals, I will take your advice into account.
Kind regards,
Ilias Tougui. Hi Ilias:
Thank you for asking this question regarding the mPower dataset (syn4993293). Unfortunately publishing in an open access journal is a requirement for using this data. It is our obligation as researchers to make sure the efforts and time committed by the volunteers who participated in the study can access the research result. I understand the issue with publishing costs, have you considered asking for a variance to the fees? This might be more likely to succeed in an open access journal rather than a closed journal with a fee for open access.
Larsson Omberg
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