I store all my results figures as PDFs so I can have full quality images to edit later. Synapse preview doesn't work with PDF's: it just shows a blank preview box. It works fine with PNGs. Also I cannot embed a PDF in a Wiki page. I get the error: "Markdown Widget Warning Image failed to load: Unable to view image syn7123461" Again, everything works fine with a PNG.
I know can just convert my PDF's to PNG's, but that's an extra step. Is there a way around this?
Created by Gabriel Hoffman gabriel.hoffman Thanks! Automatically converting the first page to PNG in the backend would be ideal Cheers Gabe. Previews for PDFs is something that we are working on but has been on the back burner for a while. As for inserting PDFs into a wiki is pretty hard as pdfs can't be rendered by most browsers and raises a question about how multi-page pdfs would be rendered. These points might be moot however once we generate previews of pdfs (which in likelihood will be pngs of the first page of the pdf).