I've created a project named CATARACTS and I was trying to put a register button in one of the wiki subpages but I was able because I could not find the values of challengeId and teamId URIs required (As you can see in the following example)
${registerChallengeTeam?challengeId=4357&buttonText=Register your Team}
${jointeam?teamId=3390210&isChallenge=true&isMemberMessage=You have successfully registered for the Challenge}
Thanks in advance.
Created by maystroh Hello @maystroh,
Apologies, the feature is currently in alpha mode. If you scroll down, you will find a green button with an image of a helmet on the bottom right corner. This will activate alpha mode and allow you to see that menu option.
Tom Thanks for your quick reply. I've followed your steps but I could not see where I can find **Run Challenge**. When I click on **Project Settings**, I'm getting this list of options:
* Project Sharing Settings
* Edit Project Metadata
* Show Project Statistics
* Annotations
* Change Project Storage Location
* Create DOI for Projecct
* Save Link to Project
* Delete Project
I can't find **Run Challenge** in it.
Hello @maystroh,
Thanks for your usage of Synapse. These features are used to run [challenges](http://dreamchallenges.org/) using Synapse, please see instructions on found on the [Challenge Infrastructure docs](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/challenge_administration.html#activating-challenge-configuration).
Here are the steps you would do with the UI
1. Create a Synapse [`Team`](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/teams.html). Your team id can be found on the team page (ie `https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:12345`. Here the id is 12345)
2. Create a Synapse [`Project`](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/making_a_project.html) (You've already done this)
3. Navigate into your `Project` and click **Project Settings** and **Run Challenge**.
4. Link your team that you created in step 1. After doing so, you will see a challenge tab and you should see a challengeId on that page.
Please let me know if you have any questions,