I am trying to download the methylation data corresponding to (syn2677441) as reported on the paper. I tried implementing commands from the file "normalize_methylation_PCBC_plus_paddison.Rmd".
The following command
files <- synQuery('select id, name from entity where parentId=="syn2653626"')
Error: HTTP Error: 404 for request https://repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org/repo/v1/query?query=select%20id%2C%20name%20from%20entity%20where%20parentId%3D%3D%22syn2653626%22
{"reason":"GET /repo/v1/query was not found. Please reference API documentation at https://docs.synapse.org/rest/"}
Any help appreciated.
Created by yuba11 Hi, the API that was used by the `synQuery` function has been deprecated. You can recreate that command with the following:
query_result <- synTableQuery("SELECT id,name FROM syn7511263 where parentId='syn2653626'")
files <- query_result$asDataFrame()
I've added a note to that file (syn2677441) that there are commands in it that have been deprecated.
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