How can we do checksum, like md5, for our download jobs?
Particularly if md5 is not provided at the server side.
Created by Chunyu Liu liucy If you don't wan to use the command line client the python client stores the md5 as a property on the downloaded file.
For example if you download the file at syn123 you can access the md5 with:
file = syn.get('syn123')
Looks like your using the Python client, so I'll answer as such. This information can also be found using the R client. Any file uploaded that uses Synapse storage gets an MD5 checksum. It's available on the Synapse web page for the file, or through the R and Python clients in various ways. One easy way is from the command line client, using `synapse show`:
synapse show syn7067016
If someone linked to a file instead of uploading, they need to manually provide the MD5 checksum, which is not required.
`syn.md5query()` is not what you are looking for exactly. That function takes an MD5 checksum and finds files in Synapse that match. You could use that to verify you had the same file though. Is it syn.md5query()?