I can't access to syn89614 data. t's returning this error.
You are not authorized to access the page requested.
You can request access from the owner.
When i request access i receive this email:
The following errors were experienced while delivering message Requesting access to syn89614:
You may not send messages to the group (Sage Curators)
How can I access to the data or contact the owner?
Created by Nicolas Perrot NicolasPerrot Hi @NicolasPerrot-
These data are now shared publicly. Please note that you will need to agree to the data terms of use by clicking 'Show unmet conditions' at the top of the page, reading the terms and agreeing. Best,
Solly Hi Nicolas-
We're not sure about the governance of sharing these data, since they are quite old. I suggest you direct message me and @ChristineSuver, and we'll see what we can figure out.