Hi everyone,
I'm getting the following error message when I'm trying to upload bamfiles, using a manifest:
Too many concurrent requests. Allowed 3 concurrent connections at any time.
I already talked to the help department here at Sinai, and they think that synapse is trying to upload more than one file at a time, and that's causing issues. But they weren't really sure what the true cause was. So I figured I'd ask the forum.
I should note that the manifest passed your initial test function (I don't remember the name offhand), and it did upload a few files, so it is functional. Files were loaded to syn17051649.
Thanks for your help (again)!
Created by Laura Sloofman lauragails @kimyenAdmin Good to know. I was definitely not in debug mode. I will send you and Kenny an email with your requested information. Thanks! aaaah ok. I local paths for those, then got an error. Something like "These are not urls or synapse links" (which they weren't, they were local paths). So I removed them.
That's totally fine, though. They don't have to be in order. Was just curious! I'm restarting now.
I suspect the problem was that I initiated the transfer on my home computer, and sinai killed the screen. They have some weird security precautions. I'm re-trying now on my work computer, so hopefully that will solve my problems! Will keep you posted. I second @kdaily on these message should not appear at all.
Too many concurrent requests. Allowed 3 concurrent connections at any time.
This message is the backend throttling message. It should only be printed if the user turns on debug mode. Otherwise, the client should handle it gracefully.
@lauragails , if you could capture the output (including your command, the number of files that you are trying to upload, all the output including the warnings), I will create a Jira ticket to look more into it.
Thank you,
Kimyen Do you have provenance columns (used or executed)? It uses those to be sure that they are uploaded in the correct order (can't refer to a Synapse entity until it exists). If not, let me know and I'll look more into it! Thanks. It looks like it's loading out-of order? Meaning the order on the manifest is not the order synapse is taking the files.
What is the logic behind this?
Thanks again. The manifest uploader still uploads one file at a time. It uploads each file in parallel though (using multi-part upload). Each of those parts may make multiple API requests. I think we have some issues open to make it more clear that those messages are not something to be alarmed by ( @kimyen or @Meredith ?).
I would only be worried if it was either taking much longer than expected, if they are occurring frequently AND rapidly (like, many of the same error in succession), or the upload crashes or times out. Hi Kenny,
I am... uploading many big(ish) files. Which is probably the issue! I think they're warning messages, because I see that some files did upload, while still giving that message.
I think I will try again today, and if it crashes let you know! FYI my old script where I loaded 1 file at a time (without using the manifest) works fine.
Laura A request could be any REST call to the Synapse API, and uploading lots of files makes lots of REST calls!
Are you uploading many small(ish) files?
Also these should just be warning messages. The client should continue to retry if any request thresholds are reached, and wait accordingly. If the script is not crashing, you're good. If it is, then let us know!