Hi everyone,
LOVING the new website!
But I do have a request: I really really miss seeing the synapse IDs for sub-directories, when I'm traversing a tree interactively. For example, if I'm transferring files into 3 separate sub-directories (ie syn16865684), I now have to click on the 3 separate sub-directories for the synapse ID.
(Yes, I could scroll over to find the ID in the linked URL to see the ID in the filepath, but then I can't directly/easily copy it to my clipboard)
Thank you for your consideration,
Created by Laura Sloofman lauragails No worries.
The camera icon/insert image isn't allowing for uploads from my computer, so I will send an email. Thanks!
Hi Laura!
I'm not totally sure what you mean -- I don't think we did any work recently to hide IDs. Are you talking about the view for Folders on the "Files" tab? It should show the Synapse ID for each under the "ID" column, even on smaller screens (some of the other columns will be auto-hidden on small screens, but ID should stick around). I wonder if you could send us a screenshot (you can email it if you'd prefer, to synapseinfo@sagebionetworks.org) so that we can make sure we're talking about the same thing. :)
Thanks so much!
Drop files to upload
Feature Request: Previewing Synapse IDs in directory tree page is loading…