I see the python code below has a pass-in variable named "evaluation", may I ask what is that and how should I input this?
import synapseclient
from synapseclient import File
syn = synapseclient.login()
parentId = "syn12345" # folder/project to upload your file to
my_prediction_file = File("/path/to/file.csv", parent=parentId)
my_prediction_file = syn.store(my_prediction_file)
# if you're submitting as a team, get team entity
team_entity = syn.getTeam("NameOfYourTeam")
# submit to the challenge queue
my_submission = syn.submit(evaluation=evaluationId123, entity=my_prediction_file, name="Blue Team", team=team_entity)
Created by Zhi Huang hz9423 Got it. Thank you! Dear Zhi,
No problem. Sorry for the confusion. If you are participating the DREAM Single Cell Transcriptomic challenge you must be registered for the challenge to gain access to the evaluation queues: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15665609/wiki/583241
Tom Dear Thomas:
Thank you for your clarification. The last issue is:
SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden
User lacks SUBMIT access to Evaluation 9614030
May I ask how to get the submit access?
Thank you! Dear Zhi,
To submit to a challenge you must:
1. Create your own private Synapse project: https://docs.synapse.org/articles/getting_started.html#project-and-data-management-on-synapse. You will have your own unique synapse id which will be your parentId.
2. Upload your file to your own private project. (Use synapse Id from step 1 as parentId)
3. Submit this uploaded file to the challenge.
Tom Dear Thomas:
I still cannot submit. Is the parentID = "syn16782363"? Dear Zhi,
The only way to do it is:
my_prediction_file = File("/path/to/file.csv", parent=parentId) #parentId is an entity id to a folder, you are specifying a file as the parentId
my_prediction_file = syn.store(my_prediction_file)
my_prediction_file = syn.store(my_prediction_file, team=team_entity) #This line will fail, because syn.store does not take team as a parameter
Please read the documentation on [creating files](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/files_and_versioning.html) and [getting started](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/getting_started.html) guide for Synapse.
Tom Dear Thomas:
I cannot submit the prediction via
my_prediction_file = syn.store(my_prediction_file)
my_prediction_file = syn.store(my_prediction_file, team=team_entity)
, the error appears as:
SynapseHTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request
Entity type: org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity cannot have a parent of type: org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity
May I ask why? Got it. Thank you! I'm submitting 60genes. I believe the evaluationID = 9614030; synapse ID = syn16782363. Are they correct? Dear Zhi,
Evaluation ids can be found on a per challenge basis. Challenge organizers have to provide you with these Ids. Make sure you create your own private project and substitute parentId with your own synapse project's Id.
What challenge are you asking about? If it is challenge specific, make sure you post on the challenge's discussion forum.
Drop files to upload
To submit a result, what is the EvaluationID? page is loading…