Where would I go to download wav files from the Voice Analysis assessment for healthy participants? I've been able to download the files for PD patients successfully but not for healthy subjects. I stumbled upon this page https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn5511444/tables/ which seemed promising but it requires an Intended Data Use statement which is hard to make sense of when the files for PD patients didn't require such. I've already agreed to all terms and am verified. Any thoughts on how to download these data without a data statement submission would be great!
Created by Mouna Attarha mattarha Thank you Mouna. The data you link to is from a different study than the mPower study (syn4993293). These were collected from different populations with different consent and data access requirements.
Larsson Meredith - thanks.
Larsson -
(1) Go here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2321745/wiki/62077
(2) Find the lines that say:
pva-wav-train.zip (syn2368098)
pva-wav-test.zip (syn2495740)
(3) Click the corresponding syn link and then click the download button at the top of each page. Dear @mattarha
You mentioned that you were able to download data for the PD patients somewhere. Where did you do this?
Hello there!
You can find more information on the requirements for accessing mPower data here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4993293/wiki/247860 The data use statement is required; however it does not have to be lengthy.
######Here is the full process:
Step 1. Register for a Synapse account (if you do not have one already)
Step 2: Become a Certified Synapse user (if you are not already)
Step 3: Have your user profile validated
Step 4: Submit your Intended Data Use statement
Step 5: Agree to the data-specific Conditions for Use
Step 6: Download the data
######Specifically, for Step 4, they give the following guidance:
Step 4: Submit your Intended Data Use statement
Submit a brief (1-3 paragraphs) description of your intended use of the data to the Synapse access and compliance team (act@synapse.org) from the email associated with your validated Synapse profile. Note that your Intended Data Use statement will be posted publically on Synapse.
######Your Intended Data Use statement should address the following points:
* What do you want to do?
* Why are you doing it?
* How do you want to do it?
Your Intended Data Use statement should include your overarching research goal, your main testable hypothesis (what you expect to determine with the proposed research), and how you will proceed. Your research may be strictly hypothesis-driven and seek to test several elements of one general hypothesis or you may be seeking to develop a critical tool or technique. No matter your planned approach, please keep your wording simple, relevant, and to the point.
(More details and useful links on the wiki above.)
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