A project with id syn9858093 was inadvertently deleted. How can we revive it?
Created by Ryan Hafen rhafen Hi! And you're weclome! Always a good strategy of least set of privileges - especially since we have "Edit" without "Delete" permissions. I think our newish [docs](docs.synapse.org) site is great for that. Also, posting questions here lets us curate things that are problematic, and user onboarding is always something we're trying to improve - so let's continue down that path until it's clear that project-specific help is needed? I wouldn't recommend adding to this post specifically - if there are usage related questions, a separate post for each is best so they can be reused more easily when someone else has the problem too. Hi Tom and Kenny: this is Thea. Thanks for your quick help to Ryan with reviving our project.
A sub-team from the Gates' HBGDKi effort is trying Synapse out to see how it can be used to support the type of collaborative data science that the teams are involved with. I set up the project but probably need to change the permissions so that only a few of the more experienced people can "delete." Let me know if you have tips as we are in the process of bringing a team of newcomers into the project space and need to be able to teach them how to navigate without having it happen that someone inadvertently deletes the project.
If Ryan and I have further questions, should we just post them here or would it make sense to provide one of you with access to our project to help recommend best practices?
Best wishes,
Thea You can probably see it here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Trash:0 Dear Ryan,
Yes, you can log onto their synapse account on your R session:
synapseLogin(username=myUser, password=myPassword)
Then undelete the file as them.
Thanks! Almost there...
Now I'm getting this:
Error: HTTP Error: 403 for request https://repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org/repo/v1/trashcan/restore/syn9858093
{"reason":"User 3341483 not allowed to restore syn9858093. The node was deleted by a different user."}
The user who accidentally deleted the project doesn't have R or python installed on their computer and probably wouldn't be comfortable using those or the CLI and they are in a different location than me so it would be difficult to walk them through how to do this. Are there any other options? Dear Ryan,
Apologies, see edited response.
Tom Thanks for your quick response. I get this error (with the R client):
Error in is(body, "SimplePropertyOwner") :
argument "body" is missing, with no default
The function signature for `synRestPUT` looks like this:
function (uri, body, endpoint = synapseRepoServiceEndpoint())
``` Dear Ryan,
In the python client:
R client:
`synRestPUT('/trashcan/restore/syn9858093', body=list())`