Hi, we are coordinating a workshop using Synapse that supports four NCI programs and are using the Discussion board for pre-workshop activities such as networking, brainstorming, and proposal preparation across a group of 25 attendees. The following functionality for the Discussion board would really facilitate smoother interaction and collaboration:
1) Reordering the replies within a thread such that the newest reply appears first. When threads become long it is really annoying to wait for all replies to load and it has discouraged some people from continuing their discussion in the open forum.
2) Searchable conversations -- either by participant, keyword, etc. Again, for long threads it becomes difficult to locate specific links and/or responses
3) The ability to upload files (pdfs, etc) to threads to would help to save time so that people don't have to navigate to a linked file in a file folder and then find the place within the thread they left off
Created by Shannon Hughes shannon.hughes Hi @shannon.hughes -- I'd love to talk to you more about the files-in-threads request you have (#3 above). Would you be willing to have a quick chat at your convenience? Feel free to email me directly at meredith.slota@sagebase.org to set something up. I want to make sure we understand the problem we are solving. Thank you! Thanks for the feedback. We have created issues in our internal system to track them:
1. https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/SWC-3626
2. https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/PLFM-4093 (actually a much older issue)
3. https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/PLFM-4414
Drop files to upload
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