Hi all,
A really strange thing is happening - I am uploading files from a tmp directory to synapse serially in a loop, so all files in my tmp directory should get loaded to synapse.
Said loop finished, but when I cross-checked with a collaborator I noticed problems. During our check, he sent me md5s for ~1200 files, however ~1600 files should have been loaded into the directory. However, when I ran the following block of code to count the number of files that were loaded, I only see 1000 files. This code has worked correctly on previous occasions, and it just worked correctly on my test directory.
FYI I tried re-starting this transfer multiple times because I knew something happened the first time, and I suspected issues with the second attempt because my computer system was malfunctioning at the time. Everything should be OK now, though.
def getSynapseFolderContentsFileNames(synapse_id):
folder_contents = syn.query("select id, name from entity where entity.parentId=='{0}'".format(synapse_id))
files_already_uploaded = {i['entity.name']:i['entity.id'] for i in folder_contents['results']}
return files_already_uploaded
Thank you again for whatever help you can provide!
Created by Laura Sloofman lauragails To get the contents of a folder in Python, please use this method: https://python-docs.synapse.org/build/html/Client.html#synapseclient.Synapse.getChildren
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