I have installed Synapse Python client 1.6.1 using pip and integrated the same in my python application. I am using the API -- syn.get("%s" % file_id, downloadLocation=folder_path) to get entity, where "syn" is the Synapse instance, "file_id" is synapse id and "folder_path" is some directory path. This API ran fine when running the python file in my application. However, if I build executable for the application (using cx_Freeze), this API show error as -
SynapseHTTPError(SynapseHTTPError('416 Client Error: Requested Range Not Satisfiable\n\nInvalidRangeThe requested range is not satisfiablebytes=1327-13279FE08FF5B6EC218BIZD8Ri3NswHNXA/hhh0qk0nBHL/dRvKdSSjRBMvc5Hhn9ByaX8neEwNfnOU0x8nerPthTIhcI7k=',),)
Please help.
Created by Sumanta Seal sumanta_asl https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/SYNPY-420 I will open an issue and see if anyone has any suggestions. Do you have a minimal reproducible example somewhere (e.g. a Github repository) that could be used for reference? I also have this issue
Drop files to upload
Entity download issue in Python SynapseClient 1.6.1 page is loading…