I have downloaded the dataset programmatically and run the check-script.py and all files has passed, then I run the concatenation command on windows, and ended up with an archive that is corrupted? Can you please tell me what is the best way to solve this issue?
Created by Not-ME Thanks for the response, I think this was the issue, I tried another command on windows which is:
& cmd.exe /c copy /b .\challengedata.zip* .\challengedata.zip
And I was able to unzip the file And I guess it is due to different sorting algorithm being used. try the following command may avoid the sorting problem
``` bash
cat `seq -f "ChallengeData.zip-part-%03g" 0 209` > ChallengeData.zip
``` We just test concatenation command on Linux, you would better operate on Linux. Otherwise, `cat` command in git bash may run well on windows, you can also try WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux).