Kidney Pathology Image Segmentation (KPIs) Challenge 2024


Created By Yuankai Huo huoy1

Regarding the Evaluation Metrics for Task 2 - Issue with F1 Score Calculation for Adherent Cells
Help with docker please?
Evaluation metrics
Can participants submit as teams
The validation set is suspected to have incorrect labeling "NEP25/18-575/img/18-575_99_11264_4096_img.jpg"
Submission Window
Implementation of validation metric
Confirming output magnification and validation data
Pretraining configurations
Some questions regarding the submissions
Inquiry: Use of Multiple model
use the model trained for Task 1 directly to reason about Task 2
Inquiry Regarding MPP Information for Test Set
Inquiry: the Model Submitted during Evaluation Period
Inquiry: number of authors per team can be included in summary paper.
Inquiry: Use of Generative Model for Data Augmentation

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