Dear @OlfactionChallengeParticipants2024, We want to inform you about an important update to our submission process for the Leaderboard Round. To simplify the process and enhance efficiency, we are moving away from Docker submissions. Instead, participants will now only need to submit their predictions file. For the Leaderboard Round, please use the provided ```Leaderboard_set_Submission_form.csv```. Enter your predicted values in the column titled ```Predicted_Experimental_Values``` and submit this file as per instructions. We have updated the Submission [Tutorial](!Synapse:syn53470621/wiki/627901) to reflect these changes and guide you through the new submission procedure. We believe this change will make the submission process more straightforward and accessible. Thank you for your continued participation and adaptability. Best regards, Challenge Organizers

Created by Gaia Andreoletti gaia.sage

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