mPower Public Researcher Portal


Created By Brian Bot BrianMBot

study: mPower Mobile Parkinson Disease Study
keywords: neurodegeneration neurology Parkinson's
diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease control
consortium: mHealth
deviceType: handheld
sensorType: touchscreen accelerometer microphone gyroscope magnetometer
investigator: Sage Bionetworks
resourceType: curatedData
dhPortalIndex: TRUE
collectionType: Observational Study
deviceLocation: hand pocket flat surface
devicePlatform: iOS
sensorDataType: raw processed
reportedOutcome: medication report PDQ-8 MDS-UPDRS demographics survey
studyDescription: mPower is a large, longitudinal study which piloted new approaches to monitoring key indicators of Parkinson Disease progression and diagnosis incorporating traditional behavioral symptom measurements along with novel metrics gleaned from sensor-rich mobile devices.
numberParticipants: 8320
dataCollectionMethod: active patient reported outcome clinical assessment
dataAccessInstructions: syn4993293/wiki/247860
digitalAssessmentDetails: walking (flat) standing phonation tapping matching tiles
studyDescriptionLocation: syn4993293
digitalAssessmentCategory: phonation gait motor coordination cognition
studyDataDescriptionLocation: syn4993293/wiki/247861
Welcome to the mPower Parkinson research community!
Request lacks scope(s) required by this service: download
Downloading Voice activity data
The answer of submiting the data use statement
Downloading Specific Audio Files from Voice Activity Table
how to access tapping Activity data using python how can I fix this error?
Locating Participant Status in the Dataset
Why can't I access data with python code now
Downloading through python is slow and easy to stop automatically
How to match the downloaded audio with the audio code in the VoiceActivity table?
converting the tmp format to wav
The Hyperlink for PRO instructions is broken
can I connect my sql to your data for Parkinson disease directly?
Data linkage
medTimepoint for Healthy non-PD participants has records with "just after Parkinson medication (at your best)"
Medication Information
Questions about medTimepoint labels in Voice activity data
The question about unmet conditions for MDS-UPDRS Survey data
Format of timestamp in walking activity
More detailed information about the pedometer_walking_outbound.json.items files
Problem loading the audio files in MATLAB!
Memory Score Calculation
MDS-UPDRS and PDQ-8 request Token
The recordID
Easier way to download data
Extracting date information for activity data
Parkinsons status of participants
The disease severity from the questionnaires
Hyperlink for PRO instructions is broken
Tremor data
Is there a citation for the origin of memory activity? How is the total score calculated?

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