CG Health


Created By Robert Allaway allawayr

event: Hack for NF 2022
summary: Automated unsupervised grouping and ranking genes.Disease, metabolic and signal pathways, and drugs with similar biomarkers, show interactions.Identify opportunities for repurposing existing drugs for use in NF1,NF2 with strategies for testing in NF1,NF2 model systems
Challenge: Challenge 3
initiative: 2022 Hack for NF
studyStatus: Completed
fundingAgency: CTF
tab1wikipointer: syn49223394/wiki/620203
acknowledgementStatements: If you use data/concepts from this hackathon project in a publication or talk, please acknowledge the authors of this hackathon project. In addition, please acknowledge the Children's Tumor Foundation and NF Data Portal using the following statement: "The results published here are in whole or in part based on data/concepts made available through the NF Open Science Initiative and CTF Hack for NF 2022."

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