
Created By Kyle Ellrott kellrott
######################### V1_BWAtoTranscriptome, V1_RNASeqQuantification: UNC V1 RNA-Seq Workflow - BWA Alignment to Transcriptome Date: 20101108 Authors: Sara Grimm Brian O'Connor Versions: This analysis was carried out using the SeqWare Pipeline project, version 0.7.0. The workflow was "RNASeqAlignmentBWA" version 0.7.x. UNC provides all our analysis software through this open source project. Users can download this software to run the identical RNA-Seq analysis described in the steps below. See the project website at http://seqware.sf.net for more information. The UNCIDs provided in file names are identifiers unique to UNC and can be used to provide data/analysis provenance tracking. Annotations: The Generic Annotation File (GAF) that provides all of our annotations for genes, exons, etc can be found at https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF_bundle/outputs/TCGA.Sept2010.09202010.gaf Conventions: Please note our spljxn.quantification.txt, exon.quantification.txt, and the GAF file above use the convention of chr:smaller_int-larger_int:+ for plus strand features and chr:larger_int-smaller_int:- for negative strand features. Carefully examine future versions of these annotation and quantification files since this convension is subject to change. Column Headers: These are just brief descriptions of the column headers you will find in the various level 3 files. See the DESCRIPTION.txt file in the mage-tab bunlde for more detailed methods on how each of these files were created. File: *.trimmed.annotated.gene.quantification.txt gene: This is the Entrez/LocusLink gene symbol followed by the Entrez/LocusLink gene ID. raw_counts: The number of reads mapping to this gene. median_length_normalized: This is the total aligned bases to all transcript models associated with this gene divided by the mean transcript length. RPKM: See the DESCRIPTION.txt file in the mage-tab bunlde for information on how this is calculated. File: *.trimmed.annotated.exon.quantification.txt exon: This is the location of the exon in hg19 (GRCh37) based on the UCSC Gene standard track (December 2009 version). raw_counts: The number of reads mapping to this exon. median_length_normalized: This is the total aligned bases to this exon divided by the exon length. RPKM: See the DESCRIPTION.txt file in the mage-tab bunlde for information on how this is calculated. File: *.trimmed.annotated.spljxn.quantification.txt This file does not include normalized counts since splice junctions are a fixed size. junction: This is the location of the splice junction in hg19 (GRCh37) based on the UCSC Gene standard track (December 2009 version). raw_counts: The number of reads mapping to this splice junction. File: *.wig This is a WIG file format that represents coverage, see http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format6 for more information. ######################### V2_MapSpliceRSEM: UNC V2 RNA-Seq Workflow - MapSplice genome alignment and RSEM estimation of GAF 2.1 Date: 05-10-2012 Contacts: Lisle Mose Joel Parker Versions: This analysis was carried out using the SeqWare Pipeline project, version 0.7.0. The workflow was "MapspliceRSEM" version 0.7.x. UNC provides all our analysis software through this open source project. Annotations: The Generic Annotation File (GAF) that provides all of our annotations for genes, exons, etc can be found at https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/docs/GAF/GAF.hg19.June2011.bundle/outputs/TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf Conventions: Please note our junction_quantification.txt, exon_quantification.txt, and the GAF file above use the convention of chr:smaller_int-larger_int:+ for plus strand features and chr:larger_int-smaller_int:- for negative strand features. Carefully examine future versions of these annotation and quantification files since this convension is subject to change. Column Headers: RSEM abundance estimation results in two files, gene and isoform level quantification. More information regarding the content of these output files can be found on the RSEM website (http://deweylab.biostat.wisc.edu/rsem/rsem-calculate-expression.html#output). In short, the format indicates the feature name in column 1, esimated count in colum 2, scaled estimate in column 3, and contributing isoforms in column 4 (gene level only). These files will have the following extensions: rsem.genes.results rsem.isoforms.results RSEM expression estimates are normalized to set the upper quartile count at 1000 for gene level and 300 for isoform level estimates. These files have two columns, feature name and normalized count, and correspond to the following extensions: rsem.genes.normalized_results rsem.isoforms.normalized_results Exon and junction level quantification are provided in a similar format as described for V1, although the Mapsplice genome alignments are used for overlap counting in V2. The exon counts are formatted as exon location in column 1(hg19 based on the UCSC Gene standard track, December 2009 version), number of reads in column 2, fraction of bases covered in column 3, and RPKM (calculated as described for V1) in column 4. The exon count files have the extension: bt.exon_quantification.txt The file format for junction counts is identical to V1 and has the extension: junction_quantification.txt

freeze: tcga_pancancer_v4
acronym: BRCA
disease: cancer
species: Homo sapiens
fileType: genomicMatrix
platform: IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2
whitelist: pancan12-whitelist-2012_12_18.whitelist
dataCenter: unc.edu
lastUpdate: 2012-10-08
tissueType: breast
dataSubType: geneExp
lastUpdated: 2012-10-08
sampleSetType: tumor