
Created By Kyle Ellrott kellrott
This file contains the antibody annotation file, the array design file, as well as the IDF and SDRF file. Compared to the 1.0.0 archive, the 1.1.0 archive has an array design file with modified sample barcodes for 77 samples. As in the 1.0.0 archive, the 5 sample that were not recognized by DCC's system are now included. Therefore, all the 412 shipped samples are include. The antibody annotation file matches the antibody names (in the Composite Element REF column) with the HUGO gene symbols (in the Gene Name column). Note that some antibodies match more than one genes in a family. An example is the AKT family: the total AKT and phosphorylated AKT each matches with the genes AKT1, AKT2 and AKT3. Another note is that certain antibodies may be stained to multiple slides (the barcode starting with "GBL" are different although the antibody names per se are the same, e.g. 14-3-3_epsilon-M-C_GBL9013469.txt and 14-3-3_epsilon-M-C_GBL9013486.txt). However, the submitted data may have only one of them, the one with the highest quality. The letter "R", "M" or "G" means that the antibody was derived from rat, mouse or goat, respectively. The letter "V", "C" or "NA" means the antibody has been "validated", should be used with caution, or no vaidation information available. The antibody annoation file is the same as the one in the MAGE-TAB archive of the BRCA data (archive 1). MD Anderson CGCC

freeze: tcga_pancancer_v4
acronym: OV
disease: cancer
species: Homo sapiens
fileType: genomicMatrix
platform: MDA_RPPA_Core
whitelist: pancan12-whitelist-2012_12_18.whitelist
lastUpdate: 2011-12-19
tissueType: cell line control
dataSubType: RPPA
lastUpdated: 2011-12-19
sampleSetType: tumor