Created By
Bernat Gel Moreno bgel
age: 51
sex: Female
Uuid: def5449a-1b9c-4b05-921e-d5b1fe7980d7
assay: whole exome sequencing
ageUnit: years
runType: pairedEnd
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn22392179
dataType: genomicVariants
entityId: syn30113290
platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500
readPair: 1
Component: WESTemplate
diagnosis: Not Applicable
studyName: Genomic Characterization of MPNST Cell Lines
tumorType: Melanoma
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Other
isCellLine: Yes
specimenID: STS-26T
dataSubtype: raw
individualID: STS-26T
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: Fundación Proyecto Neurofibromatosis
isPrimaryCell: No
modelSystemName: STS-26T
parentSpecimenID: STS-26T
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell
targetCaptureKitID: Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V5
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