name of related genes

Thanks for sharing the dataset. I'm confused that whether there is a specific file for the real name of a related gene (i.g. the real name of gene_1 ?). Please.

Created by Rayner Rui Rayner
I'm a student in Korea and I got a reply about this issue last year. You can find the names of the anonymized genes on the site below. Also you can see a detailed explanation about gene dataset files at the site below. I hope this helps!
They seem to be in this file:!Synapse:syn4303551 It has the same number of features as reported in
Any luck with this?
Any news about the names of these genes?
Is there anyone successed?? please help me..
Also looking for this...
Hi All, has anyone had success with finding the real gene symbols?
did any of you recieve an answer for the posted question above ?
yes I have same isssue please can anyone explain this..