Alzheimers Disease - Community Portal


Created By Mette Peters Mette

study: addNeuroMed
diagnosis: Alzheimer Disease
description: Community Contributed Data lets investigators outside of AD Knowledge Portal funded programs share data and resources to accelerate the study of brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and related dementias
projectName: Community Contributed Data
projectDescription: Community Contributed Data lets investigators outside of AD Knowledge Portal funded programs share data and resources to accelerate the study of brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and related dementias
projectImageFileName: Banneralz%2Epng&align=Center&scale=90&responsive=true
Data availability - AddNeuroMed and ANMerge
Proteomic data mapping issue
Repeated entries in MRI features computed with FreeSurfer 5.3 and 6.0 (syn22286805 and syn22286806)
More information about metabolomics data
Association of ANMerge vs. GEO data for gene expression (syn22023005)
ANMerge Proteomics data (syn22156879)
Gene expression ID (syn22286804)
Question about proteomic data
ANMerge imputed genotype data
Demographic Data
NIFTI or DICOM data access
ANMerge study raw genotype data
Data Dictionary for ANMERGE's MRI Data
Continuous usage own sumstats
ANMerge study
Time Indications Faulty
Contact email
How do I request all files in study without choosing each inidivdually?
Gene expression data before probes removing- wrong data posted?
Proteomics Data confusion
Problem with normalized expression gene IDs (syn22286820)
How can I download all folders from the browser, without having to select each file individually?
Id correspondence between genetic data and clinical data
Technical batch variables in AddNeuroMed gene exprssion
Publication using AddNeuroMed Data
[syn3796525] Months in columns for temporal data
Time between visits
Individual IDs mapping between datasets
Image data
Is the AddNeuroMed data "fully anonymised" and not just "de-identified" or "pseudonymized"
X chromosome data from AddNeuroMed
MRI data in AddNeuroMed
Please indicate the Synapse ID of any file you reference in your question on the forum.

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