Dear BPC team,
We are interested in the imaging data (e.g., CT, MRI) associated with this dataset; however, I could not find a way to download them. Could you kindly let me know how to download the imaging data?
We would like to conduct studies correlating imaging data with targetable mutations (e.g., EGFR, PDL1).
Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Created by Arnaud Setio arnaud.setio Dear @danabl ,
My name is Alyssa and I am the project manager for BPC.
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the availability of imaging data within the GENIE project. While we recognize the importance of incorporating imaging data, our current focus is on integrating digital pathology images into our datasets. This initiative aims to enhance our understanding of tumor morphology and its correlation with genomic data, thereby advancing cancer research.
We are actively working towards incorporating digital pathology data into the GENIE project and will keep the community informed about our progress. While the addition of other imaging modalities, such as radiological images, is not currently prioritized, we acknowledge their potential value and may consider them in future expansions of the project.
We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay engaged with GENIE updates for the latest information on our data integration efforts.
Best regards,
Dear BPC team,
Similarly to the initial question in this thread, we are also interested in the raw imaging associated to this dataset. I was wondering if there are any updates with regard to image availability and whether the addition of imaging data is foreseen in the future.
Thank you in advance, I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Daniel Dear @chelsea.nayan,
Thank you very much for the clarification! That is clear; we heartily appreciate the feedback.
Best regards,
Arnaud Dear @arnaud.setio,
Unfortunately the GENIE BiPharma Collaborative datas set doesn't include any imaging data.
Let me know if you have any further questions or if I can clarify further.