scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq Data Analysis DREAM Challenge


Created By Rongrong Chai rchai

Status: Closed
Reminder: Writeup is required
Reminder: Final Round closing soon
Reminder: Final Round begins
Evaluation Scripts Available
About the data resources (where to find the data)
ls there any prize or paper as output?
(solved)When will the Final Results be announced?
I can not submit my writeup with the error "Docker Digest is required."
Official Compute Resources for Task2 could not afford even a baseline method: MACS2
Why the submission status is RECEIVED
(solved)No button to submit the writeup
(solved)Official Compute Resources for Task1 could not afford the extreme big datasets: ds2 and ds3
Reminder: Validation Phase open!
Reminder: Leaderboard Round Closing Soon
What are the correct ways to calculate NRMSE and SC?
Invalid submission
Under what circumstances will a workflow be terminated after 12 hours?
Office Hours Thursday Jan 26
Office Hours today!
Principles for test dataset construction
(solved)Ask for SAMPLE input and output paired files for Task 2
What is ground truth data?
(solved)Lack of READ access to leaderboard
Where do I find the data?
Challenge is now open for registration!

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