doi: event: Hack for Rare 2021 summary: Our solution is to create totally synthetic and customizable full-body MRI images. During the acceleration we would like to train customized models with the following features and parameters: tumors (Number, Size, Location), Patient (Sex, Age), MRI (Modality, Slice thickness, Slice number, Noise level, Comorbidities, Intensity non-uniformity). onSynapse: syn26010238 initiative: 2021 Hack for Rare studyLeads: 3428910 3428911 studyStatus: Completed diseaseFocus: Neurofibromatosis type 1 fundingAgency: CTF tab1wikipointer: syn26010238/wiki/612054 acknowledgementStatements: If you use data/concepts from this hackathon project in a publication or talk, please acknowledge the authors of this hackathon project. In addition, please acknowledge the Children's Tumor Foundation and NF Data Portal using the following statement: "The results published here are in whole or in part based on data/concepts made available through the NF Open Science Initiative and CTF Hack for Rare 2021." syn26017653