BARDA Community Challenge - Pediatric COVID-19 Data Challenge


Created By Timothy Bergquist trberg

The Model Building Phases are over
Issues with joining N3C
Challenge Rules
Are the results of the challenge available anywhere?
Publication Policy
Task 2 covid_index can be in the future relative to hospitalization date. How does this work for validation?
Cannot copy files
Task 2 Blinding: I am a little concerned
Submission format
code workbook debugging
Calculating the Quantitative Scoring Metric
Task 2 Data
Questions about gold standard and evaluations
Data de-identification and shifts in dates
I cannot join my Team folder in N3C web
tasks submission
Copying a code workbook
Imaging Results
task_1_goldstandard not available now?
Clarity on Task 1 outcome and how to structure our models for testing
patients included in the challenge data
Data observation window
Resources are not in the project scope message
Requesting View Permission to the Challenge Data
N3C onboarding deadline
N3C Orientation Session
Statistical program
IRB review
Slides on 9/2
Metadata information
Cash prizes -- who gets the money, you or your institution?
accessibility to dataset
Accessing N3C Community Forum Presentation.mp4
team size
External data
Training models?
Synthetic Data

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