I wonder why UPP data Braak Score ranges 0-3? Not 0-6? Did the Braak scores get converted to 0-3?
Created by Zhi Huang zhihuang Hi Eric @edammer :
Thank you very much for your reply! Your answer perfectly solved my question on the Braak stage/B score evaluation on the UPP cohort.
Thanks! Edward Lee is your University of Pennsylvania Pathologist. https://pathology.med.upenn.edu/department/people/453/edward-b-lee
Penn has not recorded full 6 point Braak scores on all its cases that we did proteomics on. 6 point scores available were confirmed consistent with:
Braak 1-2 => 1
Braak 3-4 => 2
Braak 5-6 => 3
in their 3 point system, which was available on all INDIDs in their internal database. Be prepared to have your organization's signing official authorize data transfer in order to obtain information on these cases. I am at Emory University and cannot assist in this process. Hi Will @wpoehlm:
Thank you very much for your help with the contact! Hi @edammer,
Can you chime in here or point us to the right contact? Is this a relatively non-neuropathologic cohort, or were the Braak stages binned into categories 0-3 for a different reason?
Will Hi @wpoehlm
Yes, this csv file: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21438414
Zhi Hi @zhihuang,
Thanks for your question. I don't have an immediate answer, but I will try to find someone with the right expertise to help with this question. Can you please post the specific synapse id for the metadata that you are looking at, to ensure that I'm on the right page? Is it syn21438414?
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