I have followed the links to the "Study metadata" per @Mette 12/05/2019 posting and have posted the comment below to that thread, but have not received any feedback.
The file, ROSMAP_assay_rnaSeq_metadata.csv, does contain the specimenID, or what was referred to as the rnaseq_id in the previous metadata file (i.e., ROSMAP_IDkey.csv; syn3382527.7), it does not, however, contain an equivalent to the projid, which was a column in the previous metadatafile.
Can someone direct me to a file that contains both the projid and speciman (or rnaseq_id)?
posted 10/26/2022
Created by Robert Valenzuela rkvalenzuela Hi Robert,
That ROSMAP_IDkey.csv file is an older, deprecated version of the metadata. The files that Jaclyn linked above are the correct metadata files to use for ROSMAP! For more information on joining across metadata files, and joining to file annotations, please see here: https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/About-Metadata.2241626149.html#AboutMetadata-Whatisthestructureofmetadata?. Hello,
I can not find a single file that has what you want, but you can pull the information from a combination of two files:
syn21323366 will map SpecimenID from ROSMAP_assay_RNAseq_metadata.csv to a specimenID/individualID
syn3191087 will map the individualID from syn21323366 to a projid
If that doesn't solve your problem, please let me know!
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ROSMAP metadata file that links projid and rnaseq_id for the most recent rnaseq dataset. page is loading…