Hello Synapse community, I hope all is well. I am currently working with the ROSMAP brain data and I was just wondering how do I match the individualID column in the clinical file with the specimenID column in the assay metdata file? According to the metadata section, there is a statement that says the following: "The metadata files can be joined by individualID and specimenID to obtain the full metadata set." I was wondering if there was an easy way to approach this using R code or something? Thank you again for the help at this time. -Phoebe
Created by Phoebe Valdes prvaldes Do you mean the plink files in syn7824841? Based on the description of the imputation in the [methods section](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyDetails?Study=syn3219045#Methods-GenomicVariantsSNPArray), I think they are imputed -- I'm not sure why they're in the "Raw" subfolder in the Synapse project. Sorry for the confusion. Hi Abby, Thank you for explaining! I figured this out.
I have one more quick question, is the **'ROSMAP imputed dosage chop_Illumina'** data imputed or not? We are getting many SNPs with NAs.
https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3157329 Hi @Sithara85 ,
The sampleIDs in the ROSMAP fam file are formatted with a three-letter cohort prefix (either ROS or MAP) + an 8-digit "projid", or the original donor identifier provided by Rush. These projids are incompletely de-identified, so we mapped them to a randomly assigned individualID value for annotation in the portal. The mapping between projids and individualIDs can be found in the ROSMAP clinical metadata file (syn3191087); the individualIDs can then be mapped to specimenIDs using the biospecimen file (syn21323366), and then to any assay metadata such as the SNP array assay metadata.
The slides and recordings from the AD Portal workshop are available [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn26165425/wiki/612752) if you want to look through them.
Abby Hi, I missed the Technical Workshop. Is there any way to enroll in these communications? I have the ROSMAP snpArray metadata and sample IDs from the .fam file but don't have a unique identifier in any file to merge. Excellent, look forward to seeing you at the workshop! Hello @abby.vanderlinden ,
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I registered for the AD Portal Technical Workshop on 11/10. And then I looked at the help docs. I tried exactly the example code, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason, so I just tried the code below and I was able to merge all individual, biospecimen and rnaseq_assay files successfully:
individual_biospecimen_merge <- merge(individual, biospecimen, by = "individualID")
ind_biospecimen_rnaseq_array_merge <- merge(individual_biospecimen_merge, rnaseq_assay, by = "specimenID")
Again, thank you for providing the resources above. Much appreciated at this time.
Hi @prvaldes, we have some example R code for joining these files in our AD Portal Help docs [here](https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/Use-Case-%233:-Accessing-and-Joining-Metadata-Files-With-Data.2426208334.html#UseCase#3:AccessingandJoiningMetadataFilesWithData-Howtojoinmultiplefiles).
Also, if you are interested in discussing this more in-depth, we are hosting another AD Portal Technical Workshop on Thursday Nov 10th where we will do some hands-on demonstrations of finding and working with data and metadata. You can register (for free) [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHksAiPxhmcLy1y1YQp08u7oNk2r5BkaHDvTMk586-vGT0AA/viewform)!
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