Where can I find the individuals classified as having resilient AD in this data (syn22695346)?
Lukas Iohan
Created by Lukas Iohan Carvalho lukais.iohan OK! Thanks for the information!
Lukas Iohan. The ROSMAP clinical metadata contains both neuropathology and cognitive diagnosis information, rather than a single "diagnosis" column. A description of the terms and the allowed values can be found in the clinical data dictionary here: syn3191090. For publications that use this data, it may be best to contact the authors and ask what their criteria was for categorizing individuals based on these variables. Hi, Abby
Thanks for your response. But, unfortunately, in the metadata of both ROSMAP Cognitive and ROSMAP Clinical there is no information about the scores used to classify patients as having AD or AD Resilient.
Lukas Iohan Hi Lukas, you can see all the metadata files for the ROSMAP Cognitive Resilience study [here](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyData?Study=syn22695346#StudyMetadata). Individual metadata, including neuropath scores and cognitive diagnoses, can be found in the ROSMAP clinical metadata file you see linked there. Data in the portal can be joined to metadata via specimen and individual IDs in the file annotations -- see [this help page](https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/About-Metadata.2241626149.html#AboutMetadata-Whatisthestructureofmetadata?) for more info.
Let me know if that helps answer your question!
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